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These are the proceedings from meetings of the Open Space Institute.
  • Meeting Date: 18 Apr 2023

    Board Meeting April 18, 2023

    Present: Karen J. Davis, Rijon Erickson, Harold Shinsato, April Jefferson

    Before we started, April mentioned having just been invited to facilitate an online open space "Agilists for the Planet", coming this weekend. It is a bil-lingual open space. Microsoft Translator supports dialog as opposed to translation.


    Themes: New life in the community, things to grieve, future of work every language is the right language, add to the principles, lots of chaos and confusion, strong threads of life and beauty, taking on too much, taking a pause because of other things, making space for the ebb and flow, grateful for the space, joy being with you all, in the process of moving on.

    New Board Members

    Karen is announcing that she will be leaving, but not this month. She will be here at least one more month, but will be gone by the end of the year. April is choosing a time to honor Karen in a meetup. They will set up a time outside the meeting. We discussed other possibilities to invite to the board. Would be great to have younger folks as well as people who have been in the community for a while, and ideally bring people beyond the Agile software community.

    Sponsorships - AONW 2023, and Grieving & Thriving

    Both events went well. About 80 for AONW, three day event. One day event, about 16, Harold felt it was the best of the 4 events, 3 open space events.


    Rijon and Harold started the "Front Porch Virtual Conversation". Porchlandia. Open Space Living Room. Susan Liao. I know fewer people from older people. Have two people, an elder and a newbie.

    A direction of the board. Regular evening news. Talks about all the open space events going on.

    Retreat Open Space

    We could pivot to something where Rijon could do it. The soonest would be late August. Susan would prefer to thinking about the fall. Rijon needs to think about talking to his family. Might look into Asheville, NC.

    Open Space Institute-U.S.

    More consideration was given about extending the institute's focus beyond the United States. Our reach is already global. The official name is already Open Space Institute, we are only adding the U.S. as a doing-business-as (DBA).

    Checkout 7:30pm

    themes: productive, like an open space, everything covered, pleased and happy, already miss you, here now.

    Next Meeting May 23, 2023 6-7:30 pm edt

  • Meeting Date: 21 Mar 2023

    Board Meeting March 21, 2023

    Present: Rijon Erickson, Harold Shinsato, Karen J. Davis, April Jefferson


    We started with a moment silence followed with check-ins.

    Check-in themes: spring juice, trampoline and MInecraft play with a 4 and an 8 year old, messages on OSList vibes, potential in our circles, education, Autumn is new in Chile, connecting with good friends, Claudia Raffo, opening a lot of space, closing space moving out of an apartment, showing up in daily work with open space empowering with voice to challenge, joy, where the heart of things are, playing in having unique spaces to open space, campsites, help with dialog.


    We reviewed our current financial status. OSI-US members can see this information on request. We feel it better not to publish online.

    Peace and High Performance 2023

    We need to release the proceedings for OSPHP, and we can review the financials from the event to close the books on the event.

    We discussed releasing the Harrison Owen talk, which was controversial because of language used in the talk. We plan to avoid the need for this dialog in the future to just make clear we are publishing the event proceedings as well as the video made during any planned talks from Harrison Owen (or anyone else). We will make this clear on future registration pages.

    What is open space? We release the proceedings immediately. We don't foster understanding without dialog.

    April offered a proposal that we value openness and transparency that respects conversation. We changed the About page on the website to include "The OSI-US has a continuing unconditional commitment to openness and transparency in all dialog and conversations."

    Sponsorship for Agile Open Northwest 2023

    The board approved a $500 sponsrship for AONW 2023 online.

    Sponsorship for Grieving and Thriving - Science and the Arts - Together at the Edges

    The board approved a media (free) sponsorship for the online Open Space for the latest Grieving and Thriving series.

    Front Porch Chat Virtual Conversations

    Rijon and Harold are hoping to be making more videos, finally working on the "Front Porch Chat Virtual invitation" item as a series on our YouTube channel. April and Susan were live on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. They used Restream for it. It went really well. April and Ellen Grove do something and say yes, around games. Karen referenced Saul Alinksy, Rules for Radicals, if there's energy in the community, you encourage it. That's all you need is one percent.

    We could record our board conversations. We show love and respect for oen another. What it's like to live it.

    Open Space in 2023

    Get something going Get out in the air to be with people. We could convening in Charlotte, NC to acommodate some folks. We could try to find a group campsite. Reserve multiple sites next to each other. Over the DC/Maryland/Virginia area. Island lots of wild horses. A campsite too there. We'll continue the conversation about an in person smaller open space retreat next board meeting.


    Themes: excitement. joy in our voices for what is possible. beautiful. delicious possibilities. love into them. repeating the same things and moving more rapdily when we're ready.

    Next meeting April 18, 2023

  • Meeting Date: 20 Feb 2023

    Board Meeting February 20, 2023

    Present: Rijon Erickson, Karen J. Davis, April Jefferson
    Guests: Charlie Colpitts

    Next Meeting: March 21, 2023

  • Meeting Date: 14 Jan 2023

    2023 Annual Member Meeting OSI-US

    Welcome To the Annual Member Meeting for the Open Space Institute of the United States
    Who is a member? You can be a member by signing up at our website, but whether or not you are a formal member - whoever comes is the right people!
    Started after the evening news for day 2 of Opening Space for Peace and High Performance - at about 3:40pm est.
    Who came: Harold, Susan, Rijon Erickson, Dr. Rain Warren, Paul Levy, Marc Trudeau, Charlie Colpitts, Karen J. Davis

    Minute of silence

    Check-in Themes: tired, excited about new board energy, lots of ideas, happy if this is short, my dog giving space, called out of the bath suddenly and extra soak before getting out of lots and lots of open space, sparking feelings wondering what am I what to welcome in, here is where my feet are taking me, glad that folks are glad and that we're here, and life is here, admiration of Dr. Rain's talk how Harrison transformed who she was being, who do I need to be to have an impact like Harrison's, afraid of getting push back for being perceived as contributions being inappropriate, wondering what the board is up to.


    Harold gave a quick update of our efforts, most of which through the year, and where we have the most impact is in the Peace and High Performance open space conference, once a year in January. We're doing well financially. We have 2 new board members in 2022, and we lost one, currently at five board members. Our other efforts include the maintenance of the website,, where all our proceedings from our meetings can be viewed. We fund and support the OSList (, an email list operating since the late nineties. And we have been hosting the OSHotline zoom meeting that happens on Tuesdays for quite a few years, right now with the help of our member Charlie Colpitts.


    There was concern about transparency. This isn't really that we're hiding, it's that we're not that high profile and we are a small board. Our activities are details on the website proceedings page, and there is even more detail there on Trello which is fully viewable.
  • Meeting Date: 10 Jan 2023

    Special Board Meeting January 10, 2023

    Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, Karen J. Davis, April Jefferson, Susan Liao

    This is the last special board meeting before Opening Space for Peace and High Performance in three days. We had quite a few registrations come in since the last meeting, over 35 so far.

    We discussed out reach efforts on social media and elsewhere, as the facilitation details had already been worked out.

    Next meeting is our Annual Membership Meeting, January 14, 2023. 3:30pm EST.

  • Meeting Date: 03 Jan 2023

    Special Board Meeting January 3, 2022

    Present: Harold Shinsato, April Jefferson, Rijon Erickson, Karen J. Davis.

    This again was a short special meeting for event coordination for Opening Space for Peace and High Performance.

    Registrations are continuing to trickle in, with 17 so far registered.

    Next special meeting, January 10, 2022, at 4 pm EST. We will skip a board meeting in January other than the annual membership meeting on January 14, 2023, during the event (though no registration will be required for that meeting.)

  • Meeting Date: 27 Dec 2022

    Special Board Meeting December 27, 2022

    Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, Karen J. Davis.

    This is a special meeting focusing on the needs of the Opening
    Space for Peace and High Performance 2023.

    Karen told Victor at International House we cancelled. No word back from
    Victor yet.

  • Meeting Date: 20 Dec 2022

    Board Meeting December 20, 2022

    Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, April Jefferson, Karen J. Davis, Susan Liao.

    Peace & High Performance 2023

    We’ve had no registrations. There was a database issue that Harold fixed last week. We’re thinking it best to pivot to online. We will forfeit the $4000 deposit. All board members agreed. Karen will contact International House to cancel our facilities contract.

    For the event, we should have someone on the board volunteering to be a support on each day. Ask for volunteers from the participants as this is a training, and offer someone as a support. The technology can overwhelm. Susan went through that process last year, and appreciated that support as well as the opportunity to jump.

    Help with production. Put out an invitation there.

    Meeting weekly. We'll meet again next week same time. Rijon will help day 1. Susan day 2. Harold or April as producer. As co-facilitation, whatever you need.

    Another Open Space

    Perhaps we could copy what April did just recently with an intimate 15 person open space as a retreat renting a big house in Florida. We could host an event as an open space retreat for facilitators or practitioners on the Oregon coast, or somewhere in the Seattle area, or anywhere.

    Next Meeting December 27, 6-7:30pm EST

  • Meeting Date: 15 Nov 2022

    Board Meeting November 15, 2022

    present: Karen J. Davis, Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, April Jefferson, Susan Liao


    Themes: tired, long days, long travel, timing, peace and high performance, lots of meetings, lots of open space themed events and planning, local and remote, not space for open space, Iceland is like open space, Arizona.

    Harold will take notes. Rijon is bin gardener.

    Peace and High Performance 2023

    The board worked together during the meeting to craft a health policy statement for the event registration page. Victor from I.H. said the VP of another group is taking a similar approach. The other change was the new location was included in the contract and the right dates. Needs: on Sunday there is no food service provided. The coffee service all day. The voucher will be 11 dollars, slightly raised. It might be possible to bring sack lunches for everyone. Or maybe we just need to send people out to restaurants.

    Susan will help with the food stuff.


    Themes: Comfortable. Timely. Pretty awesome. Very quickly. Mobbing on writing. Love for our beautiful community. peace. wholeness health and harmony for all of you I wish you. Brightness.

    Next Meeting December 20 6-7:30pm


  • Meeting Date: 18 Oct 2022

    Board Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022

    Present: Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, Susan Liao, April Jefferson


    Checkins after 7. Themes: Agile Open Camp, Thermodynamics of Emotion Open Spaces, Tricia Chirumbole and embodied community practices like Ecstatic Dance, Marai Kiele, Scrum Beyond Software, people I want to travel with, several races at once, enjoy cadence of once a month just being with those who love open space, north star values, joy & balance, Making space for more open space, not feeling guilty in a room not feeling a connection that I can leave, lean agile coaching full time job after 10 years independent. Liberation.

    Thermodynamics of Emotion

    The Thermodynamics of Emotion Symposium is an annual 3 day open space event. The last one was beautiful as an in person one in Portland, a week and a half ago. Harold attended. Diana Larsen facilitated, very experienced facilitator. Even though it was small, a powerful theme and sincere attendees makes a great experience.

    Peace and High Performance 2023

    We discussed the event and especially our health process. We thought about a health policy something like the following: Concerning any health concerns you have coming to the in-person event, in alignment with Open Space principles: We ask that all attendees take what ever precautions they deem necessary to protect themselves and others, be respectful, and take responsibility for what you need to take care of your well being in all ways. If you are sick stay home. If your immune system is weak, consider masking and maintaining distance or attend online.

    The event will be January 13-15, 2023.

    We’re planning for hybrid. Deduct the cost of food. (about $75). If there are rooms inaccessible online, that reduces the value of the online attendance. 3 kinds of rooms.

    We’re okay with going forward. Harold will check in with Karen.

    Checkout 7:30 pm edt

    Checkout themes: elated. excited. time together. got stuff done. fun. we rock. grateful for wisdom of the board. tired. joy in the openspace we had here, letting conversation and dialog around tough things. look at being true to the spirit of open space and what we do. hacking it in this world. learning through each of us. inspired. appreciative of emerging dialog. energy concerns and joys in room.

    Next Meeting

    November 15, 2022. 6-7:30 pm est.



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