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These are the proceedings from meetings of the Open Space Institute.
  • Meeting Date: 19 Jun 2018

    In attendance: Harold, Kevin, Karen, Mark, Tricia, Linda

    Moment, Check-ins, Bin

    1. GDPR: EU citizens, opportunity to request copy of all data, to request all data deleted, must ensure data is up to date and correct – fines can be levied.

    a. Subject to EU regulations even though not citizens of EU

    b. Compliance: Need a privacy notice on the About page

    c. Send to everyone updated privacy policy and the ability to opt out

    d. Benefit to be listed – currently have to unclick in order to not be listed

    e. Mark willing to research on privacy notice and notifications

    f. Put in same letter to members or potential OSI members

    2. WOSonOS 2018 in Iceland

    a. Don’t think we should issue invitation or letter, especially talking about Kari’s health challengesb. Don’t have ideas about who could take control of registration questions

    c. We could help with outreach and inviting directly OST influencers and thought leaders, and attendees in general – discuss options and channels: OSA, Genuine Contact, a number of individuals that each member agrees to contact.

    d. Don’t think we can assist with securing a local point of contact in Iceland for assisting with information and logistics

    e. Question about how easy it is to edit the website and how to drive traffic via this channel

    f. Can assist with organizing an additional zoom call – Harold volunteered

    g. May reach out to a group of about 18 people who showed up for a series of previous Zoom calls related to the upcoming WOSonOS – energize people to co-create an amazing event and encourage people to come.

    i. Mark has list of participants and contact information – sent to Kari

  • Meeting Date: 15 May 2018

    Attendees: Karen Davis, Kevin O’Brien, Barry Owen, Mark Sheffield, Harold Shinsato

    Next meeting: 19 June 2018

    1st order of business. The board voted unanimously to make Barry Owen an official member.

    1st discussion topic: Website hacked

    Our website was hacked about 4/18/2018, sending website visitors to a warning page saying that their computer had been broken into (a lie), and that they should call a special phone number. Daniel Mezick discovered this on 4/22/18. Harold fixed it as soon as he could that same day. Harold also changed all the passwords, and reset all user passwords, and changed our website to use https (secured version of http). The next day Harold also updated the website software to secure it from all known security issues.

    Harold has communicated with all members (from ; may have appeared as spam.

    2nd discussion topic: Identify interested and engaged users and weed out the rest. (Cultivate the list)

    Give a note to people "if we don't hear from you by this date, we'll assume you aren't interested in being a member." Keep them as contacts; flag everyone as getting this message, and when they respond.

    Action: Message: Invite members, newsletter, donations, membership list. Also mention the hack.

    Contact the member list via physical mail after 2-3 emails with no response? (approx.. 700 on list; only 100 or so members)

    Harold made new "Membership communication" card in Trello for tracking progress on this item.

    3rd discussion topic: WOSonOS 2018

    Kari Gunnarsson has asked for help in planning and promoting WOSonOS 2018. OSI-US can do promotion, fundraising, marketing to increase exposure and supplement the one invitation that has been issued.

    We can put a link on website when Kari is ready. We discussed the possibility of Facebook advertising (approx. $50). Also LinkedIn advertising & blog posts for tweeting.

    We need to get WOSonOS publicity happening before next meeting.

    The board authorized $50 for adverts (Harold). Mark will follow up with Kari.

    4th discussion topic: WOSonOS 2019 in the USA (25th WOSonOS)

    Karen is considering sites: is a possible location, close to Harrison's residence. Harrison & Suzanne are enthusiastic. The WOSonOS community tends to decide the host country. Possible alternatives to hosting a WODonOS include: regional OS. Be prepared to extend a creative invitation to host 2019 in Iceland 2018.

    5th discussion topic: Sponsoring Agile Open SoCal (Harold)

    Agile Open SoCal is September 13-14. One of the organizers (Larry Lawhead) approached Harold about sponsorship. The lowest rung of sponsorship is $500. We would have a chance to make "a short pitch" on day 1, and bring materials and SWAG. Registration begins May 29. Expected attendance is 175. Sponsorship drive ends beginning of July.

    Board approved $500 sponsorship.

    6th discussion topic: Creating a “State of Open Space” survey

    We're thinking of designing a scientifically based survey to understand the state of Open Space practice. Harold is willing to develop a one-page document to describe the idea coherently.

    The idea is prompted by the book Accelerate, which documents using statistical methods to analyze results of valid survey questions. Potentially the Institute could produce an annual "State of Open Space" survey/report.

  • Meeting Date: 16 Apr 2018

    Attendees: Barry, Mark, Karen, Harold, Kevin


    1st order of business. The board plans to make Barry an official member during the next board meeting.


    1st discussion topic: Opening Space - Leadership w/o positional authority. This topic came up originally in NYC in 2018. Barry mentioned how Harrison always prepared his own space. He would leave about 15 minutes before everybody started showing up. He wouldn’t show back up until the space was ready to be opened. When Barry asked Harrison why he did this, Harrison said it was because he didn’t want to be seen as an authority figure. For 20 years, Barry has been aware of the impact of positional authority has on the dynamics of a group


    To explore this topic further, Harold recommended a movie called the 13th warrior and a book called The Origins of the Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. In the book, they discuss how some people had the capacity to hear the voice of spirit. Also, the Anatomy of Peace book talks about we should not look at people as objects.


    Barry mentions how in the Army, the Master Sargent is the person who knows how to get stuff done.


    Mark mentioned SAFAATMRH which equates to Stay away from acronyms as they make reading hard.


    2nd discussion topic; Harold has proposed increasing the boards contribution to qiquot chat from $7/moth to  $15/month. The board did not have unanimous consent, so this topic has been tabled until the next meeting. 


    3rd discussion topic: Harold brought up the book Exponential Organizations and it’s connection to Singularity Institute. Some discussion occurred around Otto Sharmer and his book Theory U. 


    The next board meeting will be on May 15, 2018.


  • Meeting Date: 20 Mar 2018

    In Attendance: Harold Shinsato, Karen J. Davis, Tricia Chirumbole, Mark Sheffield, Linda Stevenson

    Peace & High Performance 2018

    We cleared about 5K above expenses this year. Harold went over our income and expenses as a summary. The space was filled with 49 or 50, which was our contract limit.

    WOSonOS 2018

    We are not sure how to support WOSonOS 2018 in Iceland. Harold will ping Kari. What about future WOSonOS events? What seeds to plant? What about hosting WOSonOS 2019 in the U.S. in Dulles airport where the first WOSonOS was held. Is the Day's Inn still there? Suzanne Daigle could bring her van with stuff for D.C. It would have to be well thought out. The first WOSonOS was in '95, '94, in Dulles airport. How many years? - Michael Pannwiz video from Berlin 2010.

    We might need to think about early November instead of September/October. Karen has a Chile' event in October
    We should be careful about publicizing this before Iceland's event.

    New Board Members

    Barry Owen didn't show up today. We will consider inducting him on the board at the May meeting if he attends. If he doesn't, we might require three more consectutive months attendance. Linda is moving off the board in June. We began considering who to invite. Potential good members? We thought about attendees of the OSHotline and Peace and High Performance events. Who are some of the younger people? Andreas? Gopinah? Jose? Tom? Gopinah spent his first 17 years in India. And then came back. He is 26 now. Gopinah chose him as mentor at the last ODNetwork. Karen will explore the possibility.

    Bin Gardening

    Harold removed Daniel Mezick and Chuni Li from the Trello 'Bin'. Wondering about Lisa Heft.

    Next Meeting - Tuesday April 17, 6-7:30pm EDT (official Tax Day)

  • Meeting Date: 27 Feb 2018

    OSI Board Meeting 2-27-18

    Moment of Silence


    Participants: Mark Sheffield, Linda Stevens, Harold Shinsato, Kevin O'Brien, Tricia Chirumbole
    Guests: Barry Owen


    1. Discussion on policy of a preliminary period of 3 meetings for prospective new board member. In relation to Barry and others.

    a. Divided thoughts. Mark appreciated it for his recent onboarding. Barry weighs in on keeping it. Harold does not want to change policy so soon. Others discuss caveats or exceptions at the discretion of Board.
    b. Decide to keep the policy intact and to count Barry’s participation in Peace & High Performance as his first meeting.

    2. Board elections

    a. Harold nominated all standing members, all seconded and approved.
    b. Kevin elected President
    c. Mark voted Vice President
    d. Karen elected Secretary
    e. Harold elected Treasurer

    3. WOSonOS 2018 – Iceland

    a. Mark helped with an online open space around planning – Kari, Iceland organizer, appreciated.
    b. Themes discussed: “Crossing the Chasm: from early adopter to early majority”; a lot around the issue of what is needed to go to the next level.
    c. Concept of “siblings” of open space came up – parallels and could be in relation
    d. Kari has not made any overt requests about support, outside of not being charged for Peace & High Performance.

    4. Open Space, Peace & High Performance 2017 – Final Report\

    a. Surplus of ~$5000 – best yet. Total ~$21k in OSI funds. Need to find ways to invest funds.
    b. Discuss about listing contact information in the book of proceedings. Determine to include only the name.
    c. Include a checked check box with the online registration form next year inviting people to be members of the OSI for one year -  can be listed and have personal website and be mapped.
    d. Create a member benefit list and what does it mean toss sheet for next year

    5. Open Space in Agile

    a. Agile Open Northwest – OSI sponsored, visible on website, acknowledged at opening
    b. FAST Agile – Open Space done every few days, 10 min, let team self organize

    6. Harold’s video work

    a. Took many videos at Agile Open Northwest
    b. What’s so great about open stpace technology – 2 min or less, can share a personal website in comments field
    c. YouTube automated transcription of audio works really well.
    d. Interviews should be about 20 min: no specific prompts; open space journey, what’s exciting about open space to them, their on story, where do they think it can be used.
    e. Can invite people via the OSHotline and use the Open Space Institute's Zoom conference and do remotely.

    7. Tax filing for board
    8. Icharus
    9. Eric Reis long term stock exchange
  • Meeting Date: 21 Jan 2018

    Figures from International House: overall 58 people were involved and half of the people had been there at some point in the past


    Financial side

    Roughly half recieve some sort of discount on the admissions fee. The institute fully cover the fee for some individuals.

    With the number of paying attenddess, the institute will have nice surplus again


    At International House, they didn’t have our breakfast available on Saturday morning. We received apologies and embarrassment from them 


    The costs at IHouse is staying the same which will enable us to go there again next year.


    In the feedback Karen received, one of the participants said they never going to miss another OS ant IH.


    The money side and discounts

    With Kuri who is from Iceland

    A full gratis no charge for the registration


    We might provide some direct money to Iceland to the board


    Jane Lewis from Taiwan was the first one to register for WOSONOS

    At least one person who is willing to be on the board. That is Barry Owen.


    Barry is interested in setting up an open space center in Nashville


    Everything you don’t want to know about OST.


    We already know everything we need to know. And house a usual gathering would occur 


    Kari was very interested in hearing about Daniel Mezick 

    Open Space Online program


    The board might want to help Daniel promote his online program.


    Harold feels that WOSONOS 2018 is going to be pivotal for OS


    Daniel asked the question about who we should not invite to try and simulate a discussion around having a diverse group.

    Younger business folks. 


    Amy Chen from China is a student in NYC. Jose is thinking of opening an OS in Manhattan. He was very clear about money not being an issue. Wants to make it totally accessible. Pay what you want. 


    Remote talks we gained some lessons. Test the record button well before. Make sure to hit the right one. Or make a commitment to edit out some of the dead space at the beginning. 


    Have Harrison on a robot that could drive around the event. Kevin found one for $2000 but there might be cheaper ones as well. 


    Some of the practice facilitators did not seem to respect the law of two feet when they were inviting folks to do certain activites in the circle.


    Next year extend a similar invitation to whoever is hosting the WOSONOS


    We did add the Facebook connection to the Book of Proceedings


    Promote the open space like Suzanne Daigle

  • Meeting Date: 11 Dec 2017

    These are the proceedings from our Annual Membership Meeting for 2017, held December 11, 2017 from 6-8pm Eastern on The full original proceedings can be accessed by browsing through qiqochat itself, here:

    The theme was: "How to Open Space? Whenever, Wherever, Whoever"

    Theme: How to Hold Space for Open Space?

    6:00pm EST - Arriving - Settling In
    6:10pm EST - Introduction
    6:20pm EST - Opening Ceremony - Marketplace - etc.
    6:40pm EST - Session 1
    7:00pm EST - Session 2
    7:20pm EST - Session 3
    7:40pm EST - Closing
    Thank you video (2.5 minutes) for Suzanne Daigle
    Extended video (6 minutes) 


    Session 1 (6:30-6:50pm EST):

        Table 1: [Head Heart Gut … Creating Open Spaces for the emotional response to transform intention into action. ] - [Vic Desotelle]
        Table 2: [Open Space in Work and Problem Solving] - [Jon Jorgensen]

    Session 2 (6:50-7:10pm EST):

        Table 1: [EXTENDED FROM SESSION 1]
        Table 2: [EXTENDED FROM SESSION 2]
        Table 3: [What is the Open Space Institute - How can we help?] - [Tom Brown] 

    Session 3 (7:10-7:30pm EST):

        Table 1: [International House _ The Magic of It  - Help us Invite] - [Suzanne Daigle]
        Table 2: [Ideas on new projects on initiatives that you would recommend for OSI-US? Or hotline thoughts ] - [Tricia Chirumbole]

    Closing (7:30-8:00pm EST)

    In Attendance

    Harold Shinsato, Paul Levy, Karen Davis, Mark Sheffield, Stuart Turner, Tricia Chirumbole, Doug Marteinsson, Suzanne Daigle, Kevin O'Brien, Jon Jorgensen, Vic Desotelle, Skye Hirst, Tom Brown

    Session 1 Table 1

    Head Heart Gut … Creating Open Spaces for the emotional response to transform intention into action

    Attendees: Vic Desotelle, Skye Hirst, Kevin O'Brien, Harold Shinsato, Tricia Chirumbole, Doug Marteinson, Karen Davis

    We had two meetings for a while - one at the main table - and one at Table 1
    We have a model of Head/Heart - highly informed, or highly compassionating.
    We leave out the gut, the emotional response, that we spend a lot of time managing.
    Vic has been doing a lot of work with this using Restorative Justice, specifically in places in worship where there has been child sexual abuse - instead of just heady - but in environments where people safely express themselves. Not just release but use the negative feeling energy to create positive change in the world.
    Heart Brain (Institute of Heart Math)
    The research shows that the heart sends more signal to the brain, and it determines it's own way of beating. A regular rhythm communicates to t
    Enteric Brain (gut)
    The whole body informs the decision making process. In Open Space you honor the role of the body in making such decisions.
    In the basis of the whole body iknowing - is this my time - does this feel right to me? Whole body leadership is encouraged in Open Space.
    Dr. Umbright - initiated Restorative Justice work - there is a legal aspect to bringing the bad guy - horrific stuff - heavy duty. Like with murders. Or sex abuse. That's possible, but there are softer collaborative processes for survivors or victims of abuse. This could go well beyond sexual abuse. One out of every 4 women are sexual abused, and one out of five men. If we could just heal that - in Open Space healing environment.
    Invitation - what to invite and who to invite
    An invitation can be to talk but also to take action
    Need to trust the potential of self-organising human beings
    Do facilitators need to truly get out of the way?
    Head (thinking), heart (feeling/emotion), gut (the will/doing)
    Tip: Don't over-engineer your desired outcome (whatever your good intentions)

    Session 2 Table 1

    What is the Open Space Institute - How can we help?

    Initiator Tom Brown

    Session 1 Table 2

    Open Space in Work and Problem Solving

    Initiator: Jon Jorgensen

    Interested in how Open Space can be used in knowledge work. Would like to see more of it. - specifically in software industry, finance.  Human interactions - super important to productivity.  Problems in project mgt and product dev.  A growing schism of Agile Practitionners who are agile / others not.  From outside looking in - non agilist are more tolerant than the Agilists. Maybe Open Space can bring us together.

    Factions are forming and there's not much open communications about it. Folks speaks in their own faction about the other faction.  Frustrating, Jon... "I don't belong to either faction."

    When reading Jon's public writings Suzanne sees the power of Scrum and Agile in the world.  So appreciative of the work that has preceded.  The agile principles and values that are making an impact. Agile and Scrum have so much to offer beyond technology.

    It is sad to see the lack of invitation.  I support this topic.

    Jon lives in Omaha... grateful. Talks about staying in a B&B as he works with his client. What's great is that at night he has a place to come home to. His host used to work for that company - quite bureaucratic. His experience of the Agile community is that they are completely unconcerned about having a forecast for when a project will be done. When he asks, he is dismissed. You don't know what Agile is. and told he is a nuisance and go away.  He is a VP, not there to impose a structure.  He's been asked by his CEO to inquire.  As he asking basic simple things, to these agilists, these questions are dim-witted.  From his perspective, he just wants it to go away. He feels Agile is worse than Waterfall. I can't deny that says Jon, about the ridicule and lack of introspection and unwillingness to come to the table - it's worse than dismaying.  Abysmall  I don't think our Agile community is willing to deliver.  Disbelief.

    Where do you go from there. The underlying principles of OS and Agile should produce good work together.  I realize the battle of words that is not conducive to the good work that is out there. This "us" and "them" attitude (agree with you on Agile side. I think there are valid reasons to use waterfall if you know what to do.

    On the encouraging side, met an Adjunct Professor at Columbia - 9 students - She has invited me to be an Agile coach to that team in that context. University not yet convince, but discussion on-going. Not in a strictly software environment - also in a theatre environment - also hierarchical.  Devoted and Disgruntled (Phelim McDermott) in the UK - using an iterative way of doing things - young people seekng this.  Started pulling Scrum and Agile ways and they said yes, let's do it that way.

    Principles and Values - lethargy (Harrison might say) versus the doctrine and dogma. Putting it into practice. It is being budchered horrible. The church is corrupty when ? is valie. Misapplying what they're learning. So much vitriol in the community - if there is not enough people that want to resolve, I will just continue to ply my trade. Right now Agilists have the political upper hand. There will be a snap back.

    What I hear you describing is a very closed space - lots of conflict there for various reasons. It could be virtually any situation with lots of emotions on both sides. Spaces closed and keeping spaces closes.

    How can we advance the idea to open space and get to real problem solving.

    I've asked myself that. I can take what I believe (principles in Agile Manifesto) and take that to the mgt community (like a PMI chapter).  I don't know what will happen when I do.  There are invitations I've received in PMI.  That's probably the extend of what I can do in my part of the world.

    What about the others?  Do you face those situations where you want to open more space?

    Yes it's the same around the world.  Something I've been working on for 15 years. Firstly trying to see or discover on something I saw as a massive step forward and wanting to suggest it to a colleague and upset that they weren't getting. Thinking they may be incapable. Had a journey on why. Still now have real problems with senior people in organizations - past experience need to be experts. any sort of help is diminishing their status  Edward Schin's books ?  and Humlbing Inquiry.

    Opening the space... asking..

    The problem is Control - the opposite is Trust. How do you build that trust so they can loosen. Scared to death if they let go control. They don't realize what can happen.

    1. Suzanne's perception when reading online, feels a huge criticism in the community, what people are doing wrong "ScrumBut" or even deeper than that.  I feel very intimidate to do anything.  In AZ in 2010 Tobias Mayer hosted the first Scrum Beyond Software, I was opening space, as nervous as heck.  There was a lot of unity.  I feel so troubled by this.  I feel there are amazing people in the agile community.  I live in the other world.  I thought, and the geeks and nerds are different and proud to be different.  They blasted the gates off a lot of stuff.  Who wants to play and get around the boardroom table and understand what the real issues are.  We collude to put them on pedistals.  It's a big mess.

    What do we do about that.  If you're somewhat tolerant, that some people are still in the waterfall space.

    I was a controlling manager once, and you think you're doing the right thing.  If we were inviting people, and the theme was a real issue, I trust that one day if it's Open Space, it will start gaining power.  Focus on Change and providing dignity to people doing the work.

    I did agile with 50 people at WOSINOSIS we worked as a project all day, called Harold.  The leaders were so anxious, because they were freaked out did know agile.  They had a lot of fun.   I put head and heart into it.  I was scared not to represent it well.  Those people were so greatful.  I had this thing called "Team Up" I put all their faces there, I elevated the agile community.  I said take the manifesto, let's go out there and lets make a difference.  I've never admitted the distress, and I'm too scared to.

    It is disconcerting. Thank you for being authentic. YOu are going to have a bit impact on those people in Germany.  Mural of who the Pioneers were. Cool...!  Going outside of It. I would suspect that there are many people that feel the same way, terrorized the tribes of Agile, Non Agile.

    Maybe inviting people in Open Space to talk about this. We can talk about the ominious responsibility to be an Ambassador.  It's not easy to convey.  I'm an Agile Coach - this is what is helping me put my kids through school.

    I've been upset by people calling me touchy-feely.  Harold... saved me.

    I'm very excited about something. I've been hoping to work with you because I've not seen anything to be looking at this from a different perspective (constellation). So many of the wonderful things i have learned have been with the Agile communty. Feel strongly that the work we are doing in the Agile community is important to the human species, heart, gut, brain.  (the other session also went to amazing direction). there is somethnig about bringing this to other communities without losing relevance, very complex, not being aware of our responsibility coming from or not coming from that space. Being Open Space was a seminal experience - people were there at Gangplank.

    Shifting the Effort/Reward Ratio of Science  paper by the Friends of Science

    Funding is not always going to the research that it should go to.

    That event was after the GangPlank one.

    They are vicious in Science, because they are proud of not being like everyone else.   Not like capitalists, etc.

    The Technology community. -GangPlank came to Washington, NYC.

    The Scientists respected the technologists.

    Being authentic about talking about this....I would beg you to call me to talk about this.

    I'm not really good about conflict.  But, I know the format of Open Space, that we need to get things ready, organized about producing value by holding space.

    I'm no hot shot, but used to working with leaders, I've never had a conversation like tonight.

    There's too much need.  We need to figure out ways to partner together.  

    It's bringing hierarchies together.

    The leaders.  Ghanda said first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they embrace you.

    Sometime it drives you crazy.

    You might take a look at Open Space Agile.

    I think we can do things together. If we collaborate on what's possible. Just getting the word out, people can respond. This awesome conversation. 

    Ideas on new projects on initiatives that you would recommend for OSI-US? Or hotline thoughts

    Session 3 Table 2

    Initiator Tricia Chirumbole

    Some conversations about the Open Space Institute

    Tricia introduces what is OSI - US and the projects that it supports, as well as inviting ideas about what initiatives the group would like to see supported under the theme of "holding space for open space"

    Group agreed the community would benefit from a well-developed and publicly available resource that described Open Space, and that videos and a curated video repository, possibly including one or more done in graphic recording style would be valuable.

    Harold shared that there may be a place for Research into the Open Space. Brene' Brown's work offers a formal research method called Grounded Theory.

    The Book The Power of Eight has an outline a new way to do research.



  • Meeting Date: 30 Oct 2017

    In attendance were Mark Sheffield, Karen Davis, Harold Shinsato, Kevin O'Brien, Tricia Chirumbole, and Linda Stevens.

    We worked on the thank you song for Suzanne Daigle.

  • Meeting Date: 28 Aug 2017

    Board: Harold, Karen, Kevin, Linda
    Guests: Mark Sheffield

    Suzanne's Gift

    We worked on the song for Suzanne Daigle.

    Peace & High Perf 2018

    Karen Davis reported they are signing the contract. It will be slightly less for 2018 that it was for 2017. Friday Saturday Sunday January 13-14-15. Price for food might change. We're working on an invite right now. Hopefully before the next board. Suzanne and Karen are working on the first draft. Suzanne is intending to come. She's already inviting folks. Kevin will send out a "save the date" email to OSList.

    New Members

    Mark Sheffield will join if he comes Next Meeting September 18, 7:30pm edt.

    Clarity on Board Membership

    Board members are voted onto the board every year according to our by-laws. In practice we are not actually voting. We say whether we want to recommit and prompting people. People don't have the time to commit. So that we use it to prompt ourselves. Not voting individually or en-mass.

    We adjusted the website about page to invite people to come to meetings and that is a great way to join the board.

    OSA Con

    September 6 - four hour online Open Space that starts with one keynote. David Snowden, originator of Cynefin, will be the opening keynote. There will be proceedings, but not necessarily a recording.


    "Leadership is holding the space for others brilliance."
    "The best leaders are the best teachers."

  • Meeting Date: 17 Jul 2017

    Started at 2pm mountain with a minute of silence

    In attendance: Kevin O'Brien, Linda Stevens, Harold Shinsato, Tricia Chirumbole, Karen Davis

    Tricia facilitated the meeting. Harold took notes.

    Suzanne's Emeritus Gift

    Suzanne was president of the OSI for a long time. A wonderful force. Provide some kind of gift. We decided to get creative and we've employed a Graphic Recorder, April Doner. Create video. With our own Open Space inspired version of We Are the World. Just before our call, Harold put together a google doc. We spent an hour on an homage wording for a previous board member. A final wording was agreed upon. We'll ask the artist.

    New Board Members

    Have people attend for three meetings before we invite them on. All agreed on this as the new policy for inviting new board member. Mark Sheffield. Tricia met him at Agile Coach Camp 2015 at D.C. Mark is interested in Open Space in the U.S. and around the world and to be able to provide input over time.

    We have consistently sent invitations to say new board members are welcome. We don't need to reinvent the invitation process. There are many discussions online about the board and it's function, as well as some background about our mission and the invitation is on our website.


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