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These are the proceedings from meetings of the Open Space Institute.
  • Meeting Date: 25 Oct 2011

    Present: Christine, Suzanne, Harold, Doug

    Harold - occupy missoula

    Christine - our business together - interesting so many skills in many methodologies - think they know what Open Space is. What is and isn't open space. Continue to promote the importance of this form especially at this time. Plugged into what's happening in the spiritual evolutionaries - for a very long time - this big shift is coming - and now here it is. Barbara Marx Hubbard - 14K other people. Other people interested in what can we do now? It's another example no one is talking about what methods to engage people - talking about the skills needed to progress in evolutionary development - figure out how to plug in without trying to take it on as it's our to do - very interested in that. Hoping to reconnect about the language as that is getting more critical. I'm in.

    Suzanne - Just got in late last night - I thank you Harold Occupy time there - world cafe' and open space about a book by Brene' Brown - global conversation - free event - about 200 people - going to be doing it in open space - doing it - Harrison talked - everywhere and anywhere don't know where to start- very intense time - time to Harrison 1:1 4-6 hours - and he was in Chile' - wonderful - however, he is much leading a team, sensed impatience - so much effort put into the preparation and planning - there's important work to be done- it's not the way of open space - much more simple than that - we're all on the same page in that regard. Needing to rest and get ready. Come back with that - Tuscany - president - group of 22. I had a real intimate view on the line - couple spouses - mid size businesses. They do not seem to have top of mind or top of spirit the shift that we're talking about. Very addicted to their own work and their role in that work. But it is not part of their regular world, nor part of their regular thought processes. Is not working as well - successess that they get are a little empty and they're on a treadmill. The other thing - made me reflect on the OSI board and the role that we play in a non-formal way but it is very important. It implies to Karen - what she had done - Lisa - part of the tribe in South America - feel she represents us. Conversation November 20.

    Gone full out in Landmark - because it to be so powerful - connected to Open Space - prepare to do the work - not in the shadows of myself. With others and for others.

    Christine will send out note for the next meeting time November 21.

    Occupy & OST

    1500 communities around the world. A symptom of something wanting to happen. San Diego - Raffi - attempts at bringing Open Space. We met in a circle in Occupy Missoula, but still not having used OST. Lot of presence of homeless and additions especially alcoholism.

    Chile WOSonOS

    Someone brought some different kinds of instruments to create a way to experience other than through language - tubes, 90 minutes, kind of long. Harrison stayed 10 minutes and then he left. Waiting to go back to San Diego - he was a little tired - understandably so - why are putting all this effort - I keep harping about that - it shouldn't be this complicated. It's supposed to be easier. There is the simplicity. Having an intention and trusting the process. The facilitators, to do that inner work. Which is personal work, would help meditation. Just before the closing circle - some bowls that sounded like bells, you could feel the vibrational - closing circle, palpably beautiful and very strong and Suzanne commented - that was amazing. Just sharing this because it gives you a sense - many beautiful things.

    No one in Chile talked about Occupy - Christine - most of the meetings were in Spanish - in Chile', it's not quite the same as it is in other places. Students are in their equivalent in occupy requesting that education be more available and accessible. Combo of private and public- sit in strike almost a year. On the day that we were leaving were going to be some big demonstrations. Very frustrating - seemed to think that the government and status quo. Only the big reference that I am referencing to Occupy. Most of the meetings were held in Spanish. Most people spoke spanish - some things in English - many times having their own discussions.

    The importance of the hoop - understanding the intent of the process - and not be caretaking - trusting - that the process can hold this - I really felt that I came out - just kind of went along with the flow - very good flow for the most part - some spurts - I just wish I had used my two feet. And by doing that how committed I am to certain things - participating in watering down something that is very powerful and strong. In holding the space. And honoring. There is a lot.

    When in Rome - 200K people, wasn't thinking Open Space when I was there - too young - in the bliss that there was space being opened for talking to be heard - for people to speak. Well organized. Burnt cars - didn't see bank windows broken - did feel at times that this - someone could drop a bomb this could be aweful - bad vibes being chased and shoed away. Mainstream wanted to be heard. I wasn't even thinking Open Space while I was there. Just wanted to hear those topics, no space and place - see pensioners - saw students - and young people - two degrees and no jobs

    Doug- there's truth to what you're saying - interviewed people - specifically - journalistic hat - it felt like I was opening up space for them - there's not that much space - it did make a difference - went to buy something - these two young women - so maturely - so coherently - we want you to have it - warmed my heart that there were some people chasing bad guys away - when I was in Chile' - where I'm still confused about this - the people were immediately happy to be together they were happy and hugging, kissing, haven't danced like that in I don't know how long - enjoyed being together and being in life together - the meeting each other that felt so wonderful and the release and there were tears as there often is in the end - sobbing tears of people that were having things emerge in them. You could just feel it. Felt like that place needed to honored - didn't feel it an honored - but there was other stuff happening. Other things happening - people taking care of each other - we wouldn't have - someone from Chile' just gone back and was at the airport and the Republican Convention - hugest drought - watering their lawns - involved in Open Space and Permaculture - oh gosh - shoot me now - haven't been back - more despairing than the poor places in Africa. So this is not a joyful note.

    Christine - witnessing - deepening inside of ourselves- this is what have called - women have been highly successful in their roles in the community - in their roles - such a longing to connect with their purpose in life and they are coming back and asking for more because of the depth of the experience not because of what they are doing in the world - the focus of what they're doing - some have left their jobs - there is a tremendous need for this - there is some stuff to help small groups and smaller groups and a dream of mine to integrate that into the large scale work - and from time to time experienced it - and I agree it has a lot to do with the consciousness of the facilitator and the container is created that may or may not have to do with the official opening of the space - the other thing I want to say is that I believe part of this shift that we're in is that jobs as we've known them have been part of a cycle that is going out. That we are railing against the reality of the global economy we're still looking for people to point the finger at - not that there's not some validity in all of that - the grief in letting go of what is passing and opening to new forms. Pretty stuck in the upset around the old form.

    Wherever we are opening space - we are contributing to occupy wallstreet and all the adjoining cities. It is such a good movement that it can feel very overwhelming. Rush with the buckets and go with the fires. Holding the space spiritually and talking with people and allowing and hearing. That brings some closure for me to express this.

    Deep Nature Connection

    Birgitt's work is right up this alley - integrating - quite grounded. Not a genuine contact person. Quite a few friends are. Just taken the Native America medicine wheel. And many of us have - came out of a spiritual place. A deep connection - don't have to talk about it. Very much embedded in open space. And very much one facilitator more powerful whether are sourcing what they do from another space. Opening up themselves as a channel.

    An awful lot of the story - circles is one of the primary practices is being taught to all the girls - we have a little hand out that we designed out several years ago - circle practices - linked it to the circle practices that have always been in place - seeing each others eyes - and all the things that Harrison has talked about. Doug- as you were talking about this, Harold, I don't know how many Charles Eisestein - The Ascent of Humanity - if you go to can get the book chapter by chapter. He shares a thesis that seems to be the separation of human beings one from the other - from nature - and I was hearing a great deal of that when you were talking about wilderness and awareness and connection to the land - Eisestein talks alot about hunter gatherer - they were living in the world which was abundant and provided everything they needed and how things changed when we went towards agriculture and put up fences things - not to blame that as being the problem or going back, that it was inevitable that we would do that - but we have to move past that - a lot of the same themes moving through that. One of the things that I got out of a chapter or subchapter - suggested it - one of the things I'm seeing that Open Space and all conversational methods turn people into being producers of light as opposed to consumers. Circle conversations, people are in charge of their life and of the meeting and making decisions, and no longer mere spectators and not consumers, part of what is going on in open space, we've just shifted the ground from under their feet, not just receiving what they are receiving .

    They are creating something. They are creating new - those are two powerful - deep nature connection is woven deeply in all of that.

    On a continuum what is now - people living in isolation - dealing with emotions - job security - how people are working really hard and we think of nature and the native communities - everything they have to teach - such a wide divide - little things that are important - why is it in other cultures - families out in parks in nature out doings - not seeing - not the same - have witnessed people who are laughing singing are in a more joyful space - and somehow when people connect from a place that has joy - this is why it is so attractive - Brene' Brown = the power of vulnerability - to be ourselves to let go of the things we thought we were supposed to be - pathway of OST to get to the deeper stuff - for many of us it's not even in reach - they will be happy = get this or get that. We're all coming to terms - how off the mark - and we can find peace in nature - in communities. Feel myself drawn to those simple things - as a smile in conversation - before I can go as far - in Chile' - important native people that there - presence at the closing - this is not mainstream.

    Sono Hashisaki - possible board member.

    If I hadn't met Open Space - there is something OST under the surface of it all - it's a theme of possibility - that people rally to - connected to action to outcome - otherwise no one would come - what happens under the auspices under it when we are together - and we find ourselves - Suzanne's path has mirrored Harold's. To sit in a circle the first time. Dutiful citizen - corporate - good deeds and enabling a whole bunch of stuff. What we have out there. We need to breathe possibility as well - from the despair - have to trust - when we find each other - we find our neighbors and co-workers - and see possibilities in things that we can do - in this the human spirit - it's even hard to discuss this when there are homeless - won't be able to do anything if I come from that place. A step at a time even if it's not convenient - not congruent to living life vibrantly - the men in North America would hug their children. The Pinochet years were not that long ago. Nobody was hugging anybody. The reality 30 years ago was different. The value of hugging around the breakfast table. In their families what it means - levels not expected. Other lands that are different.

    Evolution of Human Consciousness

    Normal witching hour. Christine - put a placeholder to continue the conversation - a little bit. The folks who have been tuned that are predicted to occur in 2012 and the current state of the human consciousness have been at it since 1970's, from own fields and persepctives - in the mystery realm. How we can take the evolutionary leap that humanity is ready to take? Spiral Dynamics - if everyone would take the leap - still having the common world view - but just imagine if just everyone went to the next level.

    Singularity (Geek Apocalypse)

    This was from Harold. The Singularity is the concept of exponential trends in technology, especially Moore's law where computing power doubles every 2-3 years as well as getting cheaper, will eventually lead to such a dramatic shift that we can no longer project what is beyond the point where the curve of advances goes nearly vertical in time. Some believe that consciousness will be transported into computers, or that a new form of life will emerge from technology that will displace humanity. These ideas are taken seriously in Silicon Valley and in much of the intelligentsia around software and computing. It is sometimes called the Geek Apocalypse because it does have a similar ring as to coming to the "end times", the end of the world as we know it. And it also in many ways is similar to what so many of us are sensing in terms of a big shift coming very soon.

    Each Open Space that he has been part of - a community which allows for possibilities to think out of the box - continue to do this - allow this facilitation - to be free internally - to be free spiritually - to understand because you've been alive 50 years - doesn't give you a right to be better than anyone else - a way we can communicate and be with each other - 2-300 years ago - jobs with money- the better job - made more money - people need to work - but don't need to make money - we can barter - we can do as the Native Americans have done. This is not my land this is everyone's land. We're approaching this - we're going to have to think differently - move up 2-3 rungs quickly - so we can allow ourselves to be human again. I always say that OST is like magic - in it - after awhile you see humanity - see 20 people looking at each other and hearing each other and trying to understand each other. As opposed to sitting in front of a blackboard and no one listens to anybody. Very encourages about what heard about the Chilean OST. Open Space allows us to hug each other. Let's do more of it!

    It's like childbirth. We're going to deliver a baby - that's where there is the deepest pain and the greatest possibility - secure and cozy and comfy and aren't we glad were aren't there. Willis Harmon's Global Mind Change. When people were totally unconscious. The Spirit of Leadership. The Practice of Peace. A lot of this stuff. It has tons of it. Resonate and feel comfort that open space came about that was there. So ... in the simplicity of our lives. The planet needs to heal - only heal when we connect with each other. How we feel about the animals and the birds. Christine going out in nature all the time - be more in nature like you're doing. Holding space - shifting consciousness.

  • Meeting Date: 19 Sep 2011

    Harold, Barry, Christine, Suzanne, Ed, Doug

    Moment of Silence followed by a brief update from each attendee

    Bin Clean-up
    Recommended that if an item in the bin has not been addressed for discussion/action, it will be removed after 3 months.

    Downloadable audio
    Harold will not be pursuing getting an iTunes or other online location to sell Harrison Owen's "Understanding Open Space" audio further. If someone else wants to pick this up, we can add it back to the bin.

    Haiti Open Space Training
    Mark this item as complete (donation for their training program); follow-up with a letter by no later than November (Suzanne to do) advising that it will not be possible to sustain the level of funding of past few years. Our budget will not permit the past level of contribution in the future.

    Open Space Manifesting Document
    This idea of creating such a document was in response to the fact that some people facilitating Open Space events do not fully understand what’s behind the process, intent and principles outlined in Open Space Technology.  Hence the comments we hear that an OS event was not really done in Open Space. It was felt that a declaration document of some sort that facilitators in our OS Community could read and sign might bring attention to what Open Space represents in its simplicity of application and the depth that it invites.  A manifesto document could raise awareness and create more clarity among facilitators about what constitutes Open Space which  transcends methodology leading to a powerful approach that invites deep transformation. Harold Shinsato, who posted this topic at the Annual Institute Board Retreat this summer, had initially intended to work with a team. Now in the interest of greater clarity, he felt it would be better if he put his thoughts on paper by himself first.   The group then had a long discussion on this topic that went from “How would we know if the Open Space was not being done right?”  to sharing how very impactful this process is for these times. It was an inspiring and invigorating exchange.

    Harold reported that we had $4491.60 remaining in our account.

  • Meeting Date: 15 Aug 2011

    This meeting was attempted to be held via Skype and the technology killed the meeting so there are no notes for this aborted meeting.

  • Meeting Date: 18 Jul 2011

    Present: Peggy, Harold, Ed, Barry, Doug, Lisa, Suzanne, Karen, Christine, Phelim, Lisa

    Absent: all were present

    Notes-taker: Lisa Heft


    Moment of silence, then individual check-ins.



    Annual Report Filing - Suzanne


    Thanks to Suzanne who has filed the report. She made copies of everything and also changed the address to her address. This can be changed if there is some other way it should read. Peggy’s instructions were very helpful.  


    Action: Harold will create a space for these items on the OSI-US website.  


    Discussion about the filing deadline - which is every year at the end of July - versus the officers’ election, which we did last in January. Because we did this, we do have a current group of officers. Doug recommended electing officers each January as a way to have time enough to do it - even giving us a few meetings if we need them to assemble a quorum for this task.


    Agreement: Elections will be each January or as soon thereafter as it is possible to meet as a full group.


    Logo - Peggy


    Everyone received the revised designs.  Some colors having been changed and ‘US’ has been added. If we are happy with the general look we can pick the color that works for us and the designer will give us a version that can be used for letterhead, website and other uses. Some discussion exploring how it looks for / is received by business and government folks - one of our interests in thinking about logos overall - as we share more about Open Space across different disciplines and an audience broader than people who already are familiar with Open Space. Some discussion about the color gradation working well, also the crispness that is probable in the completed version (versus the copies we are sharing for our mutual review). Discovery that there are not the same number of toes on each feet in the logo.


    Agreement to go with #8, thank and pay the designer, and live with it a little over time to see how it feels and settles in. 


    Agreement to have a smaller group work on this if further work is to be done.


    Action: Peggy will follow up with the designer. 


    Inviting Kai Degner to the Board - Lisa, Peggy


    Agreement: Kai would be a wonderful addition and that this is an exciting idea.


    Action: Peggy will contact him and will copy us on that.  be happy to do that and will copy everybody in the process of doing that. 


    OSI UK & WOSonOS 2012 - Phelim


    Phelim is trying to schedule getting out of rehearsals in New York to attend a few days of WOSonOS Chile in October - to make the invitation to the UK in 2012. Some discussion of Host Teams past present and future, the nature and tasks of their work, and their dynamics as teams.


    Using Skype for our monthly calls


    This call was a test of using Skype (plus conference call telephone line as needed) for our  monthly meeting. Much appreciation for Harold and Suzanne for setting up and helping us work with this technology before and during our meeting. This call had an additional challenge in that some were able to access Skype (from their desks, from being on the road) and some not - creating a need for use of dual technology (phone for most of us with the addition of Skype / screen for most of us - at the same time), which was a bit difficult with delay and sound factors. Bravo/a to all of us for 'hanging in there' during this good experiment.


    Closing word shower


    Gratitude    Perseverance    Excellence    Simplicity    Electricity    Birth    Trusting    Moving


    Next meeting time and date:


    Agreement: Next meeting Aug 15 same time of day / night.




    [Note from Lisa: remember our recommendation to ourselves during our April 2011 Board retreat to drop anything from the Bin that has not had movement for 3 months. The following Bin has not yet been adjusted to update as per this recommendation - perhaps this will be a good thing to quickly review at the start of our next meeting]


    Remaining in Bin:


    Logo - any updates? - Peggy


    Inviting Kai Degner to the Board - updates? - Peggy


    Haiti donation status 


    Bin Gardener Each Meeting (also discuss recommendation for 3 months' presence in the Bin for items)


    Next Meeting Time


    Downloadable audio for Understanding OS - Harold


    Learning Map - Harold


    Teleconference for OSI-US Membership in Feb/Mar 2010 - Harold


    Clarify the focusing question Open Space Manifest-ing - Harold 


    Convene call about the OS US Web site (Government w/Ed; Corp w/Suzanne) - Christine


    Schedule meeting to draft the Open Space Manifest-ing Invitation, design a process for inviting - Harold & Doug


    Host a clean-up of WIkipedia OST entry - Harold


    Revise the about page – Peggy, Harold & Lisa review


    What guidelines do we adopt for what per percentage of our funds go to any one project?



  • Meeting Date: 20 Jun 2011

    Present: Harold Shinsato, Barry Owen, Karen Davis, Lisa Heft, Suzanne Daigle, Doug Germann, Phelim McDermott, Ed LaBoy
    Absent: Peggy Holman

    Silent meditation - 2 minutes - 2:10 pm pacific

    Suzanne lead the meeting:

    Logo Meeting
    Peggy worked with the artist. Suzanne attended the meeting and enjoyed the conversation. We went over the different proposals that had been sent to each of the board members through email. The general consensus was towards the logo with six feet, the tribal version, although there was some concern that it looked a little busy.

    Haiti Donation
    The money was sent. Lisa will make an attempt at communicating with John Engle and Fremy.

    Skype Premium
    Skype Premium is purchased- anyone can use it just to test it even beyond OSI-US business. Just send a note out to list when you are going to use it.

    OSI-US Website
    Ed will convene a call about the OSI US website with a government focus. Suzanne will convene one with corporate as the focus. Several meetings so far have of meetings have been canceled so there is no progress to report.

    UK WOSonOS
    The organizers of the UK WOSonOS in 2012 are meeting tomorrow for the first wosonos steering committee. There is discussion of whether they form a UK OS Institute.

  • Meeting Date: 18 Apr 2011

    Board Notes — OSI-US, Thursday, 18 April 2011, 4:15– 5:15 PST

    Present: Christine, Karen, Doug, Suzanne, Ed and Lisa (briefly)

    Facilitator: Christine

    Notes taker: Suzanne

    There was a moment of silence followed by individual check-ins.

    1. First story, start providing content, with an invitational feel

    The intent was for Suzanne to publish a summary for the OS community of what transpired at our face-to-face retreat in Florida conveying the essence of our conversations. We wanted the write-up to have an invitational feel that would attract others everywhere (facilitators, groups and OS institutes) to join as we plan future initiatives and projects.  This write-up was posted on April 13, 2011.

    2. Purchase Skype Premium

    Harold purchased this on behalf of the board. We look forward to testing it at our next monthly board meeting.  Doug expressed he would like the opportunity to do a dry run from his location to confirm that it is working for him.

    3. Barry Owen to join the Board

    We were delighted to hear that Barry will be joining the Board.  Suzanne to follow-up on Peggy’s initial outreach to him explaining that we are in the process of choosing best day/time for future meetings and also to connect by phone as a way of making his first meeting as welcoming as possible.

    4.  More efficient meetings

    We agreed that an email will be sent out prior to our meetings to determine ahead of time who will be facilitating and who will be taking notes rather than discussing this at the actual meeting. A copy of the “bin” which serves as our basic agenda will also be sent. Suzanne to handle on a monthly basis.

    5. On Line Web presence

    Christine will be reaching out to Ed for government audience and Suzanne for corporate audience groups) as we seek to have tailored materials about Open Space for their needs.

    6.  Reimbursement by board members to cover expenses from face-to-face meeting

    Board members will cover part of the cost (food and a few miscellaneous expenses) ; the Board will assume the rest.  All members paid for  their own travel costs.

    7. Schedule meeting to draft the Open Space Minifesto-ing Invitation

    Doug has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday April 19th to discuss this initiative which is briefly described in the summary proceedings from our face-to-face Florida sessions.

    8. Revise the About page - Peggy, Harold and Lisa - 30 April 2011

    By way of email, Lisa has indicated that she sent a draft to Peggy and Harold and was suggesting that much of the text created for the Board welcome one-pager could be used for (also) the 'About' page.

    9. Next meeting (to be determined)

    Christine will be sending out a doodle to determine preferred time/date for our monthly meetings.

    Remaining Items in the Bin

    ·         Downloadable audio for understanding OS  Harold Shinsato

    ·         Learning Map Harold Shinsato

    ·         Bin Gardener Each Meeting

    ·         Host a clean-up of Wikepedia OST entry Harold Shinsato – 2 June 2011

    ·         On line web presence (Government - Ed; Corporate - Suzanne) Christine

    ·         Get a draft logo image  Peggy Holman – 30 April 2011

    ·         Revise the About page – Peggy, Harold and Lisa to review – 30 April 2011

  • Meeting Date: 04 Apr 2011




    2011 Annual Meeting Task Oriented Outcomes

    April 4, 2011


    We identified work in three broad thematic areas:

    • Grounding our purpose

    • Open Space Manifesto-ing
    • Resourcing Open Space

    The notes that follow describe key ideas and actions in each arena.

    A few incidentals, items for the bin, and our individual offerings are also below.

    • Purpose

    PURPOSE, as stated In our by-laws:

    The Open Space Institute(US) holds space for Open Space. Open Space Institute(US) serves by:

    • Providing access to resources on Open Space,
    • Connecting individuals and groups to inform, inspire, mentor, and sustain each other in opening and holding space, AND
    • Being an inclusive learning community.
    • What shorthand language brings us back to the energy of Harold’s picture?  E.g., Cultivating the community of practice/network or Connecting people who are opening space
    • Principle of simplicity: what are the trim tab activities?
      • Manifesto: Focusing question
      • Resources for different audiences to Open Space: Connecting the community (resources)
    • Next steps


    • Open Space Wo-Manifesting
      • Purpose: Create a credential without certification.  Legitimize without constricting.
      • Design a process that invites people to sign on to the manifesting and its creation
      • Next steps
        • Clarify a focusing question the manifesto
          • E.g., What does it mean to open space?
        • Design a process
        • Draft an invitation
        • On point: Harold & Doug
          • Thinking partners: Peggy, Lisa, Karen


    • Resourcing opening space
      • Purpose: Increasing accessibility to a variety of audiences
      • Develop materials for target audiences: e.g., corporations, communities, government agencies
        • Consider running contests to attract artwork, stories, other materials.
        • Establish a “go to” site for OS that works for these different audiences.
        • Create Open Space Institute Fellows
        • Market the materials as a revenue source for OSI-US
        • Note: the notes about designing an architecture are more wide-ranging as the discussion happened during the “what’s next” conversation.
        • Design an architecture – a rigorous and resilient frame
          • Fund it through an RFP process
          • Engage people who are passionate in their foresight
          • Share materials across institutes and world-wide groups
          • Be mindful of Christopher Alexander’s quality without a name
          • Bring old content (later)
            • AI practitioner – AI and OS issue
            • At Work issue
            • Stories, the OSI-US newsletter
          • Notes on stories/curation
            • With attribution
            • Ask questions that invite stories
          • Asset mapping
          • OS US Web site
            • Help us see who we are
            • A place for the living questions
          • First story, from Suzanne’s voice.  Start providing content, with an invitational feel – Suzanne (April 11)
            • Pay it forward
            • Praise it forward
            • Stories, from the inside out
            • Honoring the elders
          • Next steps
            • Convene call on OS US Web site
              • Governmental language
              • Corporate language
            • First story, start providing content, with an invitational feel
              • Pay it forward
              • Praise it forward
              • Stories, from the inside out
              • Honoring the elders
            • Wikipedia
    • Incidentals



    • Convene call on OS US Web site  - Christine (mid-April)
      • Governmental language – Christine and Ed
      • Corporate language – Christine and Suzanne
    • First story, start providing content, with an invitational feel – Suzanne (April 11)
    • Wikipedia – Harold  (start in early June)
    • Setting up a communication around manifesto-ing: inviting the question, opening to the community, process – Harold & Doug (schedule by April 11, conversation by May 1)
    • Ask Steven about creating an image for our logo (3 intersecting ripples) – Peggy (April 30)
    • Revise the about page – Peggy, Harold & Lisa review (Peggy - April 30)
    • Reach out to Barry Owen for the board, “draft the board packet” – Peggy  - April 30
    • Set up Skype for OSI-Board calls - Harold for next call
    • Reimburse for travel to/from board meeting - Harold



    Lisa’s offerings

    • Resources for different audiences, tools and concrete things, feedback on access (does it read for everyone? Is it universal lanague? Are we working across culture?)
    • Support for Fellows
    • Helping ID language, requirements for invitations, for requests we put out and that come to us
    • Materials development – look at how what we put out can be spun off for other memes.
    • “Contests” – language, why, wherefore, what you get, what’s it mean
    • Co-ownership – always having the other institutes at our side, including income generation


    Karen’s offerings

    • Reflecting, feedback on anything, everything
    • World-wide open space connections – with Harold


    Peggy’s offering

    • I’ll be a thinking partner
    • I’ll be here until I’m no longer needed


    Christine’s offerings

    • Steward the collection working on lanaguage for the web so that its appealing, inviting to all kinds of people
    • Thinking partner on other things.  If you need me ask.
    • I’m here until you no longer need me.


    Suzanne’s offerings

    • The invitaitnoal spirit of OS, all voices past, present, future
    • My approach speaking with vulnerability so that others feel they can speak their truth
    • Start with the story that tells about what the board has done, as an opening, guided by wise voices, that don’t quell my voice
    • Working on the corporate voice with Christine and others
    • Fellows – see where that leads, hear personal experiences of what that might mean based on what has meaning for them


    Harold’s offerings

    • The things I signed up for
    • Edge on OS Manafesting


    Doug’s offerings

    • Invite life and living into the community, inviting questions that invite life in both manifestoing and resourcing




  • Meeting Date: 03 Apr 2011


    2011 Annual Retreat - Inviting all Memes

    Host: Christine

    Attending: Peggy, Suzanne, Harold, Doug, Karen, Ed, Lisa



    Develop materials for target audiences: e.g., corporations, communities, government agencies.

    Consider running contests to attract artwork, stories, other materials.

    Establish a “go to” site for OS that works for these different audiences.

    Market the materials as a revenue source for OSI-US.


  • Meeting Date: 03 Apr 2011


    OSI-US Board Retreat 2011: Topic: Really %@$*&#^$)-y facilitated events that participants feel frustrated / unhappy / pushed  rushed / unproductive / upset etc. about that are called Open Space but really weren’t


    1) What does well prepared, well-facilitated, thoughtfully held Open Space offer to participants?


    2) What are the things you’ve seen / heard / noticed done by a facilitator that make it not Open Space (even when its called Open Space)?


    3) What are your feelings about that?


    4) What does it mean about our / OSI-US’s role / purpose / responsibilities?



    Discussed learning the basics of Open Space, and how to support the form plus the substance (as some forms enter popular culture - the form often stays without the substance). About how some people want to 'improve upon' Open Space. Or take just parts that do not hold together as form or process, but call it Open Space. Or rigidly hold to it.



    Have been in ‘Open Space’ events where the organizers did not set the container. You could not even have a marketplace. Although could see that it was well-intended and it was better than other events I have been in that were not done well.


    The real depth of what Harrison offers is so rich and juicy and it would be even more rich and juicy if people were doing the pre-work and understood the depth and understood the importance of ‘Maybe you need to get some training.  Maybe facilitation is something you learn over a lifetime.’ 


    What’s at the heart of Open Space - and the means of committing to that core as a pledge. A self-organizing, self-selection kind of quality about that.


    There is this thing we call Open Space Technology that’s solid. That’s been tested over time. Would like to preserve that core.

    All humans all have different perspectives - all look at same object differently. We all have a core of Open Space. We still have a core.


    Something that happened that started the Agile movement was a manifesto . 

    Co-create a manifesto about what is good core Open Space - invite co-creation, invite people who convene and facilitate Open Space to join this pledge.



    Explore archives for Appreciative Inquiry into Open Space session at 2004 WOSonOS in Goa. Explore also in archives 'what is Open Space and what is not'.


    Cannot imagine our community would create a police state with a ruling. But the flow of information about what creates good Open Space - thoughtfully planned and held Open Space - is something to share and something to know.  There is a lot aside from what is visible to the eye.  The same is true about facilitation in general. And also important to share is that there is indeed learning and wisdom to be shared, and some thinking, research and experience about that. Good to increase the flow of that knowledge about how to use and facilitate the dialogue method of Open Space.



  • Meeting Date: 02 Apr 2011

    2011 Annual Retreat - Tackling the Bin

    Host: Peggy

    Attending: Doug, Lisa, Karen, Christine, Ed, Suzanne, Harold


    Peggy asked: What do the items in the bin tell us about ourselves and our larger intentions that would help us handle it more effectively?



    Doug noted most of the stuff doesn’t have much energy, just stuff.

    Morphed into exploring the notion of an executive director – paid staff.

    That led to a juicy conversation on networked organizing models.  Suzanne described the lively way her organization works.  Project based, with young people doing work that excites them, supported with respectful, adult-adult mentoring.

    Harold spoke of another model of organizing --  Gangplank, Derek Neighbors.

    Later, Peggy mentioned Hacks and Hackers using and is taking off.



    The networked organization conversation led to the notion of “fellows”.  Lisa sparked the conversation.  The idea is we offer up invitations to contribute to Open Space by doing a project as an “OSI Fellow”.  The projects could come from us or from the person.  The fellowship provides a certain panache for acknowledging contribution or adding panache to a resume.  

    The fellowship lasts for a year and/or the length of a project.

    Two items we mentioned but didn’t resolve:

    • What criteria create a fertile container for being a fellow? (e.g., have done OS, are passionate about the project)
    • How might mentoring support fellows?  (Is being a mentor another form of fellowship?)



    We ended by looking at the specifics in the bin and agreed:

    • Every item has a name (or two) or is deleted
    • We’ll update the bin in real-time during OSI board meetings, with someone acting as the “bin gardener”
    • If an item hasn’t been touched in 3 months, it goes.  If someone wants to re-invigorate it, they can bring it back later.
    • A back-up idea: set a “work in progress limit”: only a set number of items can be in the bin.  If we reach capacity, something goes.


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