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Board Proceedings April 2011

Meeting Date: 
18 Apr 2011

Board Notes — OSI-US, Thursday, 18 April 2011, 4:15– 5:15 PST

Present: Christine, Karen, Doug, Suzanne, Ed and Lisa (briefly)

Facilitator: Christine

Notes taker: Suzanne

There was a moment of silence followed by individual check-ins.

1. First story, start providing content, with an invitational feel

The intent was for Suzanne to publish a summary for the OS community of what transpired at our face-to-face retreat in Florida conveying the essence of our conversations. We wanted the write-up to have an invitational feel that would attract others everywhere (facilitators, groups and OS institutes) to join as we plan future initiatives and projects.  This write-up was posted on April 13, 2011.

2. Purchase Skype Premium

Harold purchased this on behalf of the board. We look forward to testing it at our next monthly board meeting.  Doug expressed he would like the opportunity to do a dry run from his location to confirm that it is working for him.

3. Barry Owen to join the Board

We were delighted to hear that Barry will be joining the Board.  Suzanne to follow-up on Peggy’s initial outreach to him explaining that we are in the process of choosing best day/time for future meetings and also to connect by phone as a way of making his first meeting as welcoming as possible.

4.  More efficient meetings

We agreed that an email will be sent out prior to our meetings to determine ahead of time who will be facilitating and who will be taking notes rather than discussing this at the actual meeting. A copy of the “bin” which serves as our basic agenda will also be sent. Suzanne to handle on a monthly basis.

5. On Line Web presence

Christine will be reaching out to Ed for government audience and Suzanne for corporate audience groups) as we seek to have tailored materials about Open Space for their needs.

6.  Reimbursement by board members to cover expenses from face-to-face meeting

Board members will cover part of the cost (food and a few miscellaneous expenses) ; the Board will assume the rest.  All members paid for  their own travel costs.

7. Schedule meeting to draft the Open Space Minifesto-ing Invitation

Doug has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday April 19th to discuss this initiative which is briefly described in the summary proceedings from our face-to-face Florida sessions.

8. Revise the About page - Peggy, Harold and Lisa - 30 April 2011

By way of email, Lisa has indicated that she sent a draft to Peggy and Harold and was suggesting that much of the text created for the Board welcome one-pager could be used for (also) the 'About' page.

9. Next meeting (to be determined)

Christine will be sending out a doodle to determine preferred time/date for our monthly meetings.

Remaining Items in the Bin

·         Downloadable audio for understanding OS  Harold Shinsato

·         Learning Map Harold Shinsato

·         Bin Gardener Each Meeting

·         Host a clean-up of Wikepedia OST entry Harold Shinsato – 2 June 2011

·         On line web presence (Government - Ed; Corporate - Suzanne) Christine

·         Get a draft logo image  Peggy Holman – 30 April 2011

·         Revise the About page – Peggy, Harold and Lisa to review – 30 April 2011

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