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Open Space Technology was discovered by Harrison Owen as a better way to unleash the power of self-organization in teams, organizations, and communities. The Open Space Institute of the United States (OSI-US) believes that inspired behavior can be an everyday experience and that humanity is limited by its perceptions of the possible. The OSI-US was created to grow that sense of possibility and make it a reality by focusing on: learning, research and practice.

Opening Space for Peace and High Performance 2024

The annual Opening Space for Peace and High Performance returns virtually the weekend before Martin Luther King's holiday, January 12-13, 2024. The event has been held annually since the 90's.

Be the invitation!

What's happening? Conflict! Confusion! Chaos!

Who are we being now?

What is this NOW inviting us to be? In order to lead, inspire, and open space for 8 billion souls?


Click here to learn more and register.

Opening Space for Peace and High Performance 2024 - Be the invitation

Grieving & Thriving August 20, 2022

The Open Space Institute-U.S. is happy to be a sponsor for the upcoming Grieving & Thriving open space happening August 20, 2022.

The conference is exploring the question: "How do we make space for grief in the workplace?"

Please see the event registration for more information.

Grieving & Thriving August 2022

Harrison Owen Morning Reflections - January 23-24, 2021

Harrison Owen offered Morning Reflections at the Opening Space for Peace and High Performance 2021 online event, January 23 and 24, 2021. Enjoy!


Marai Kiele: What's so great about Open Space Technology?

Thomas Perret: What's so great about Open Space Technology?

WOSonOS 2019

Our event page is now open for WOSonOS 2019 in the Washington D.C. Area, Fri-Sun October 25-27.

World Open Space on Open Space. Honoring the Ineffable Spirit of Open Space Technology? ineffable. Utterly indescribable; Inspires a sense of "Awe". If you are eager for possibilities beyond current expectationss, please join us! Be prepared to be surprised! The 27th Annual World Open Space on Open Space welcomes participants to engage in Open Space Technology as a practice and a philosophy.

Peggy Holman: What's so great about Open Space Technology?

Videos Requested: What's so great about Open Space Technology?

Wait. What's So Great About Open Space Technology?

Open Space Technology is an interesting "whole group" process.


And it seems so simple, on the surface:

"..sit in a Circle,"
" a Bulletin Board,"
" a Marketplace,"
"....and go to work."

This is NOT complicated. So: what EXACTLY is the big deal?

What's so great about Open Space Technology?

YOU are invited to answer this question!

Announcing: The Open Space Institute U.S. "What's so Great" Video Program

We want your video!

The Open Space Institute U.S. cordially invites you to participate in our "What's So Great" Video Program.

All you have to do to participate is answer that burning question, in 2 minutes or less, via VIDEO.

What's so great about Open Space Technology? The goal is to create an absolutely astonishing set of videos that make people laugh (and perhaps cry,) as they browse these short video testimonials.

Your uploaded video will be immediately inspected by OSI-US. And if all goes well, we will immediately post it to the newly created Open Space Technology channel on YOUTUBE. We will also link to it from the OSI-US web site, and utterly promote it (and YOU) across all of social media, across all time and all space, open or otherwise, forever.

So that's the idea: video yourself, in any format, with or without others, while answering answer the burning question:

"What's so great about Open Space Technology?"

Here are the Ground Rules:

1. All submissions are by video only;

2. All videos submitted not to exceed 2 minutes;

3. All videos submitted must be absolutely free of any shameless marketing hype. You may however tastefully (and optionally) display your website URL for up to 10 seconds. You can edit it in, or simply hold up a handwritten note if you wish. Please keep it short, tasteful and non-sales-oriented. Ten seconds max.

4. All videos submitted must be in one of the Youtube-supported video file formats, listed here:

5. All videos are uploaded for inspection and approval by OSI-US, via the following Google Drive URL (set up just for you):

6. NOTE: By uploading your video, you are explicitly granting OSI-US a perpetual, non-exclusive license to publish your video, worldwide, across any and all media, without exception, forever, until the end of time, or the end of the world as we know it, whichever occurs first.

7. Send an email to after you have uploaded your video, to notify us here at OSI-US that you have uploaded your astonishing video. From there, we will process your submission. (Please put "What's So Great About OST" in the subject line also include your name and phone number in the email.)

You are invited to play the game!

Kate Megaw: What's so great about Open Space Technology?


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