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Opening Space for Peace and High Performance 2025

 Registration is closed for this event

Connecting Generations:
Opening Space for Peace and High Performance

Opening space for those no longer with us...
and creating the space for new blood and fresh voices.

For it to be a whole space, where we connect as generations...
Where all can be seen and heard.

Breathing out and breathing in,
a held breath released is followed by a fresh breath in.

A fresh breath in, in spite of...

Honoring the past while embracing what emerges as we continuously explore peace by...

Connecting Generations

This past year we have lost honored voices like Harrison Owen and Anne Stadler who gave breath and voice to the practice of Opening Space. We have lost countless others who have left us the legacy from which we live. We honor the breath released, by celebrating our past and preparing for the next generations to create and breathe in the new.

When is it happening and where?

The official event dates are Friday and Saturday January 17-18, 2025. We strive to serve all time zones again this year by offering two “circles” each day of five hours each. In some time zones the event will end on Sunday January 19.

Below are the start times for the two circles (A and B).

A: 7am PT / 10am ET / 3pm UK / 12am Japan
B: 5pm PT / 8pm ET / 1am UK / 10am Japan (THIS MAY CHANGE)

Our fifth virtual event will continue to use, Zoom and other online tools.

How will we practice togetherness?

Our dialogues will be in Open Space Technology, a loose structure powered by five principles and one law which guide behavior and provides clues in self-management.

Whoever comes are the right people
Wherever it happens is the right place
Whatever happens, is the only thing that could have
Whenever it starts is the right time
When it’s over, it’s over

The law of mobility (or the law of two feet) — every person is responsible for their own learning and moves to conversations they find the most rewarding and where they can make a difference.

How it all started...

For nearly a quarter of a century, people from around the world have come together to open space over four or three days in New York City, at International House.

Over the years, this gathering has always been unique and special. It was like coming home for those who attended before; for those new to Open Space, a welcoming place that quickly felt like home.

Past gatherings were hosted by Harrison Owen, Karen Davis, with Devorah Gilbert and Ralph Copleman, Suzanne Daigle; in recent years the Open Space Institute has taken on the baton.

‘Opening Space for Peace and High Performance’ has been the call for more than a decade. Now more than ever, in its broadest applications of self, life, work, community, and world; it speaks to the urgent need of our times.

We are excited you are joining us in this adventure. Be prepared to be surprised!

January 17-18, 2025

In the late 90’s Harrison Owen wrote The Practice of Peace. It was around that time that the tradition of holding a learning event in Open Space during the Martin Luther King federal holiday weekend began. The teachings of Dr. King and the work of Open Space around the world are inspired by similar values, principles and mission.

If you are sensing the shifts and invigorated by the possibilities of navigating change in ways that tap into our unique individual and collective potential, we warmly invite you to join us.


Everyone is also welcome to attend our annual member meetup which will happen on Saturday January 18 at 3:30pm est, in the middle of the second day of the event. We plan to meet for about an hour through this zoom link. Please email if you have any questions.

As usual we are inviting attendees who want to learn about facilitating Open Space Technology online to step up to practice the facilitation and producer roles for the openings and closings.

Our proceedings are eventually published (such as last year's). We give time for attendees to fix the proceedings before we publish. If you don't wish any snapshots of your attendance to be published, let us know in advance.


We are excited you are joining us in this adventure in either or both of the two circles (A, B) on either or both days (Friday January 17 or Saturday January 18). Each of the circles will be available half an hour before the start time.

Please view this Daily Flow page to better see what it looks like in your time zone.


Our desire is to include all who want to participate. The suggested donation is $25 for the two days to help cover our costs. Any amount will be welcome with the goal of continuous educational activities to foster learning in Open Space through OSI US. If financial circumstances are difficult, know that you will be welcome at no cost.

Registration is necessary to have access to the sessions.


For more information, email


Open Space Institute US: OSI-US holds space for Open Space and serves by: providing access to resources on Open Space; connecting individuals and groups to inform, inspire, mentor, and sustain each other in opening and holding space; and being an inclusive learning community. We believe that inspired behavior can be an everyday experience and that humanity is only limited by its perceptions of the possible. OSI was created to grow that sense of possibility and make it a reality by focusing on: learning, research and practice. Our board currently includes Harold Shinsato, April Jefferson, Rijon Erickson, and Susan Liao (she/her).

Last year's participants are viewable on this link, or go here to see who has registered so far for 2025.

January 17th, 2025 7:00 AM to January 19th, 2025 5:00 AM
Online with QiqoChat and Zoom
United States
Event Fee(s)
Pay what you can
Recommended $25.00
Pay instead with donation field below. $0.00
Any donation is welcome

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