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July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 
22 Jul 2022

July 19, 2022

Attendees: Karen J. Davis, Harold Shinsato, Rijon Erickson, April Jefferson
Guest: Susan Liao

Moment of silence and checkins at 6:05pm edt. Checkin themes: The Fourth Turning, Neil Howe, Canada and Music Festival there, opening space virtually, Chasing the Gig, Pausing and Magic.

Harold volunteered for note taking, Rijon for "bin gardening" facilitation.

Sponsoring Re-imagining Unconference

It is online and on qiqochat. It is happening on 8/18/2022, and inspired by a conversation and experiment at the Future of Work 24 Hours last year with April's support. Was originally titled Startups for All. Trying to organize it as open space, anyone can join at any time. There are five organizers now, and only Susan has open space experience. It is about bringing together connected communities that may not know each other, "People, Power, and Possibility of Work". It is a hybrid. The opening will be a panel and lightening chats, holding space for voices you don't typically see in headlines. The core open space is 9:30am-12:30pm pacific. They have an honorariums bento box, for speakers and co-creators. Community sponsorships start at $100. Harold moved we send $250 and everyone agreed. Susan will send Harold a media package for promotion and advertising on the OSList, Facebook, LinkedIn and our website.

They need visual, tech scribes, and sign language interpreters.

April was invited to help with a hybrid experience at a company, and she was able to help the hybrid event be successful. Two facilitators online, and two in person. Greeting and logistics. Technology wise, they had rooms. If you were in a room in person, you shared an audio connection and everyone got on video individually. But if someone wanted to be by themselves they could join separately in the company building. The people online was no different. They had hybrid agreements - how to engage - being mindful sharing the space both online and in person. Not able do the qiqochat of unlimited session because rooms needed time blocks since they were shared. And having breaks inbetween sessions. Each room had a different capacity size. Interest was polled to help choose the best rooms to match the interest (using a miroboard). The shared audio? Old school. Poly com's with multiple speakers so everyone could hear. They used one Zoom instance - one breakout per physical room.

New Board Members

We welcomed Rijon Erickson onto the board today. Susan Liao is attending her second board meeting with this meeting, and we plan to welcome her onto the board next month. Harold mentioned five is a good number for the board, but the most stable might be seven, though it might be best to let us get used to five for a few months. But please be on the look out for new board members. Susan mentioned there might be interest from the Reimagining Unconference.

Videos for Youtube

April wants to hold a conversation, invite folks to converse about online about the theme of facilitating hybrid open space. Harold will send out an invitation.

Sponsoring Grieving and Thriving

How do we make space for grief in the workplace? August 20. We agreed to be a media sponsor.

Peace and High Performance 2023

International House has reserved 1/13-15/2023. It will cost more than it has in the past, a bit over ten thousand. We're not likely to see the price to ever go down. We hope to hold Peace & HIgh Performance at least one more time at International House. We need to rely on personal invitations. They have totally remodeled the Hall of History. We won't complete a contract until the fall.

Should this 2023 be held up as a special event? What about Hybrid? It might be nice having a second event that is online in addition to this in person event. It seems to be an event to celebrate.

We could have a pre-day?

Inviting the Future of Work Onto the OSI-US

They voted to create their own non-profit.

Women in Agile 2022

They will have an event December 1-3 in a private compound. They can actually stay there. In Florida. An Open Space Retreat. Alone and together. Harold said he'd love to sponsor.

Next Meeting

August 16, 2022 6-7:30pm edt

Checkouts 7:34 pm edt



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