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Board Minutes August 2018

Meeting Date: 
21 Aug 2018

Present: Harold Shinsato, Karen J. Davis, Barry Owen, Mark Sheffield

Sponsoring WOSonOS 2018

Harold and Barry are thinking of attending, but have not yet bought tickets. We are hoping to do the invitation for WOSonOS 2019. We might not attend and the invitation might not happen if Karen can't do it in October, as November is probably too late.

Peace and High Performance 2019

Karen Davis and Suzanne Daigle are working on the invitation. Harrison Owen probably won't be there, but we still hope to invite him to speak via teleconferencing like he did this January. We are wondering about inviting Paul Levy or Peggy Holman.


No work has been done on the website. It might take a while. There probably are no cookies being used until people log in.

State of Open Space Survey

Harold is still hoping to send out a note to the OSList about our intentions.

Clean Language

Caitlyn Walker is a Clean Language instructor doing reat work. She wrote a book titled From Contempt to Curiosity. It comes from David Walker, a part Maori pyschotherapist, using very simple methods for talking to clients. It seems like it would be helpful for discussing the theme with the hosts and setting up a successful Open Space event.

Next Meeting

We will move the meeting to Monday September 17, same time, 6pm EDT.

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