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Board Proceedings September 2016

Meeting Date: 
26 Sep 2016

4:35pm edt start

Harold, Karen, Tricia, Linda, Kevin

- Changing the meeting date/time

I like having it start before 5pm. I'm already starting dinner, hard to remember. How is the day of the week for me. Monday is fine. Starting before 5pm is more convenient. We were starting later because Karen was in a class. That was the earliest on a Monday. Let's move to 4pm on Mondays. It works for everyone.

- High Performance & Practice of Peace 2017 open space at International House

Karen is giving an update. The price is going up somewhat for the rooms, but not that much. This year will be ok. We have to have a greeter, so people go to the right place. That was a requirement. Our total this year will be $3000, rather than $2200. And a $650 deposit, either check or Karen will pay by credit card and be reimbursed. A single with no tax is $165. With 2 people $185. That's a jump from $135 or something. And there are suites, and that price has gone up for participants. They are holding all their rooms for us, and we will have to release them. They no longer give a discount for non-profits. The price is the same. And the rate on the guest rooms is a group rate. We already have someone who wants ot make a reservation. Suzanne is working on the invitation. That should be ready to go within another week or so. The food rate has not gone up. Suzanne will be helping with the invitations but she won't be attending. But she is committed other than organizing the housing. Karen will have a clarifying meeting with International House on Wednesday.

Harold Shinsato moved that Karen J. Davis be the official authorized representative of the Open Space Institute - U.S. in interactions with International House. Tricia Chirumbole seconded. All approved, the motion passed.

- Status on Testimonial Video Gathering

Harold will add the guidelines for the videos on the website, and the YouTube channel. We have 3 videos so far.

- Board Membership Transparency

There is no upper limit in the by-laws for the board membership. We have to have 3 officers. We already

- Vision and Mission of OSI-US

We talked about the mission, and came up with something that might be more effective, which is "Holding space for Open Space in support of the evolution of human consciousness worldwide." We'll revisit this and continue to sit the question. I want to be able to communicate to further the mission, but what is our mission. What was being encouraged within the entity/framework of the Open Space Institute?

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