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Board Proceedings May 2016
Meeting Date:
16 May 2016
OSI Board Proceedings May 16, 2016 - 5:30-7pm edt
Attending: Tricia, Kevin, Karen, Linda and Suzanne
Moment of Silence followed by Check-in
- Meeting starts with an acknowledgment of the newly elected Board; this was their first meeting in their new roles though indeed hierarchy does not drive our conversations.
- Karen Davis updates us on management changes at International House.
- She has established communications with the new team, providing background information related to the logistic and costs of our annual event as most people are new.
- Costs will be us: Not known exactly what the new costs will be though it is certain that there will be price increases on hotel rooms, meeting room rental and food.
- The 2017 Open Space at International House is scheduled for January 13 to the 15th
- Expected that we will be required to put a deposit soon (it seems that the deposit would be reimbursed assuming we meet their notice periods in the event our gathering did not take place.
- A vote was taken by the Board to grant authority to place a deposit from our OSI US funds – proposed by Tricia, seconded by Kevin; All approved; Karen recused herself due to possible conflict of interest as she is the official organizer/host.
- The Board then proceeded to review together the excellent document draft that Harold submitted which provide “guidelines for working with the Institute as a 501(c)(3)”
- Agreement that we want to move this work forward as quickly as possible assuring that it is broadly communicated.
- That said we also want to assure that the intent of the language is well understood and that it reflects the purpose and mission of OSI US
- A suggestion was made that once we’ve agreed on any addition, edits and revisions, that it be sent to our Emeritus Members (Peggy, Lisa, Christine and Doug) for their input reflecting history and any legal considerations.