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Board Proceedings June 2016
Meeting Date:
20 Jun 2016
Board Meeting Proceedings from June 20, 2016
Attendees: Tricia Chirumbole, Harold Shinsato, Karen Davis
- Suzanne’s departure
Expanding board – thinking about board members, how we would like to invite people. What are the needs in terms of the institute.
Could invite people to come to annual meeting or invite via ask letter; exhibiting commitment; maybe consider putting out a call when revisiting mission.
Classify Suzanne as emeritus – consensus - Open Space CDs
Charge or not charge? collect emails, membership downloads - Mission/vision – touch on it
More relevant questions – involve some new people
Invite the community in on dialogue about the mission of the OSI and let whatever happens happen
Talk to Peggy & Lisa about talking to Michael Pannwitz about using the OS World Map
Incorporate Google calendar from Michael Hermann on – have to talk to Michael or other calendar guardian - Engaging OS community
Invite a conversation about what are the questions that are most alive right now – looking at mission of OSI and including the concerns of the whole community
Help guide the OSI to reflect the community
What would you like your role to be for holding space for Open Space?
What is open space, what is space, what is open space technology? – need to be asked again in a deep way.
Living document, rather than forcing a false consensus
OSI board seed questions and ask the community to help build the mission of OSI
Also have board members ask questions about these topics and record them and make them available; what are the most important questions for this community, what do you think about them?
Harold will ask question to board and ask Peggy & others about how to launch open space practitioner map.
Respond within the next week if possible – Harold will post on os list and FB and linkedin.
Thinking about new members – everyone think about new possible members
Heart trust