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Board Proceedings August 2016

Meeting Date: 
18 Aug 2016

OSI-US Board Proceedings - August 18, 2016

Attendees: Daniel Mezick, Harold Shinsato, Tricia Chirumbole

  1. Reviewed Google doc for Suzanne homage. We will collaboratively contribute. Send Suzanne a pdf and ask her if she wants a mailed document.
  2. Mission – Harold on ticket
  3. Harold is authorized to release funds of approximately $250 to support a QiqoChat for a South American Agile User group to hold an online open space.
  4. Edit the invite doc outlining the offering to support projects and the criteria. Harold makes the criteria publicly available.
  5. Mission - Collaboration
  • Reviewing the definition of inviting, open space, defining, traditional mission statement, learning from others. DO not like the current mission, not clear enough for general public.
  • Not sure how to change now, reviewed the possibility of an open circle
  • Reference the definition OST – Harrison Owen book.
  • Holding space for open space is stale or smells funny: learning, research and practice.
  • We discussed (but did not agree on) this possible purpose: subverting illegitimate authority in support of the evolution of human consciousness worldwide.


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