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Board Minutes 2020 September 15
Open Space Institute - U.S. Board Minutes 2020 September 15
Present Harold Shinsato, Mark Sheffield, Karen J. Davis, Barry Owen
Absent: Myrianne Ouellette, Jake Yeager
Started with 1 minute silence and checkins.
Harold Note taker, Mark Sheffield bin-gardener.
Zoom Link Change: The Zoom Link to our monthly meetings will change because of Zoom policies. The old link will not work next month so we need to make sure the link is updated to include a password. Be sure to look for an updated link from Harold.
OST Online Event for the Whole Community: Harold reported that Jake is doing a great job leading the event, getting input from within and beyond the team, while also taking initiative and setting deadlines to help things move forward.
Mark says that printout of the invitation uses a lot of toner. Might want to consider not to have a tinted background. Mark asked if our invitees will know what OST is. The invite includes a link to explain what OST is, but doesn't really describe the experience. Other notes about the invite from the board was that the invitation is quite long, and wondering about the world having a gender (she).
2021 Peace & High Performace: International House is holding a contractual space for us, even though it is not available for January 2021 because of the lockdowns. In 2022 it would cost more. At some point we need to work out the virtual aspect.
2020 Peace & High Performance: Just a couple dollars discrepancy that we can clear that up.
OSList might be marginalized: The GNU mailman list for the OSList is getting categorized as spam by GMail. Hopefully solutions might be found to improve this.
Next Meeting: October 20, 6-7:30pm edt
Checkout - before 7pm edt.