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Board Minutes 2019 July 2

Meeting Date: 
02 Jul 2019

This was a special meeting only focused on WOSonOS 2019 that the OSI-US is hosting and sponsoring.

Meeting began 6:00 pm EDT

Moment of silence


Board Members Present: Karen Davis, Kevin O'Brien, Barry Owen, Harold Shinsato, Mark Sheffield


Lodging information has been posted to the website.

Kevin and Harold will work together to enable room reservations via PayPal on the website.

Transportation: lists some options.

Other options include bus service from Baltimore airport (BWI).

List of registrants and a way for them to communicate with each other:

              Barry created a private Facebook group for registrants. He will receive email notification for each new registrant and will invite them to join the group.

              Harold will make a list of registrant names visible on the website.


              Some funds have been donated to provide support for some people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend WOSonOS. Consider the details of managing requests for assistance at the next meeting. Also include a sentence on the website about accepting additional donations for providing support.

Topics for next meeting include:

              1:1 inviting

              Parameters around providing support for people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend

Next two meetings:

July 16, July 30

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